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2006 Eden High School SKILLS robot

Term 1A

MTE100- Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering

An introduction to some of the basic methods and principles used in Mechatronics Engineering. Material covered includes measurement and analysis, history of the engineering profession, history of mechatronics, study of the mechatronics process and integration of electrical and electronic engineering, computer technology and control engineering with mechanical engineering in the design, manufacture and maintenance of a range of engineering products and processes. Engineering graphics fundamentals of multi-view, isometric, oblique, and perspective projections are covered while developing skills in computer-aided drawing (CAD), freehand sketching, and the interpretation of technical drawings. A mechatronic design project/competition with small groups supplements the lecture material[1].

Personal Opinion:
This was one of the most enjoyable courses during the term. MTE100 dealt with everything from sketching, re-learning the basics of AutoCAD which led to some 3D AutoCAD. The course also contained lectures which covered topics such as types of organizational charts (Gantt chart, etc), state diagrams, the basics of binary, a little on patents and what a company is. Basically it was a very general introduction to the field of engineering, specifically mechatronics. Towards the end of the course we were required to complete a project which tested us on what we had learned regarding state diagrams, programming (a bit of GENE121 here), project organization, teamwork, etc. The project was to create a LEGO Mindstorms robot capable of following a black line path which contained several obstacles. The final competition was held in the SLC in the afternoon. Our team completed the path in record time. Our team was chosen to complete the bonus track, of which we were the only ones to complete under full autonomy.

-opening pages of my report concerning the LEGO line following robot
-scanned images of MTE100 sketching assignments

CHE102- Chemistry

Chemical principles with applications in engineering. Stoichiometric calculations, properties of gases, properties of liquids and solutions, gas phase chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium in aqueous solution, oxidation-reduction reactions, chemical kinetics.[1]

Personal Opinion:
This course was very similar to those completed in High School. Nearly all the material covered prior to the midterm was review. This course did not require much work, but it did require SOME work. Many students had difficulties towards the end of the term because they decided part way through that the course was easy enough to require no work. Upon entering the midterm and exam their opinions changed.

coming soon.

MATH115- Linear Algebra

Linear equations, matrices and determinants. Introduction to vector spaces. Eigenvalues and diagonalization. Introduction to linear programming. Complex numbers[1]

Personal Opinion:
This class was great. Our prof. could not speak very English very well, but was light hearted and always ensured the class understood the concepts. He held several help sessions in order to clarify some of our issues such as vector spaces dot products, etc. The class was mainly about learning about R^n spaces. During elementary school we learn about 1d (R^2), in high school we learn of 2d and 3d (R^3). In algebra we learned how to move to n-dimensions, referred to as R^n. Always be sure to go to any help sessions available. I attended a help session hosted by the mechanical engineering instructor and my understanding was made completely clear. This taught me that you should attend the lectures that are most understandable.

coming soon

MATH116- Calc 1

Limits, continuity, derivatives. Elementary functions. Mean Value Theorem. Related rates, applications. Newton's method. Indeterminate forms and L'Hopital's Rule. Indefinite and definite integrals. Fundamental Theorem. Applications of the integral. Improper integrals. Inverse functions. Methods of integration[1].

Personal Opinion:
This was a very good class. The concepts were not too difficult since they were mostly covered in High School classes. A word of caution: Ensure you know everything in this course, not just for the exam, but for the sake of future courses. The things learned in this course are used again in Calc 2 which is not a long way off. I was lucky to have a really great TA for my tutorial/lab sessions. Most courses consist of lectures, and labs. Lectures are where everything is learned. Labs are usually in-class assignments.

coming soon

GENE121- Digital Computation

Introduction to electronic digital computers, hardware and software organization, examples of efficient numerical algorithms for basic scientific computations. The language of instruction will be C and C++[1].

Personal Opinion:
This course was great. S. Bedi was our prof. which made everything more enjoyable. We learned about the basics of C++ and PLCs(ladder logic). There were weekly assignments which put into practice what was covered in class. I had a very hard marker as a TA which caused me to receive a few poor grades on assignments, but as a whole challenged me to become a much better programmer. Sometimes strictness does produce better results.

coming soon.

Additional Terms to be added shortly (specifically 1B and 2A)

[1] Mechatronics Program Overview, University of Waterloo Mechatronics Engineering,